Wednesday, 24 April 2013

the first pasta post! super quick creamy avocado pasta

I started this blog to show that vegans didn't just eat pasta - but I wanted to also show you that sometimes we do, and especially that we can have delicious creamy sauces that are much better for you, and look lovely and spring-like too!

I make this for a packed lunch a lot, as it's a great way to use up cooked pasta - the sauce is raw and doesn't need cooking so it's easy to whizz up in under 5 minutes to chuck in your bag in the morning. That also makes it perfect if you're feeling really lazy, but want something tasty and healthy for dinner.

I've seen this recipe in quite a few places, and worked out my own particular set of ingredients that I thought went best together. Today for lunch I added a chopped spring onion, and in the past I've added a clove of garlic, though as the sauce is uncooked that can be a bit much!

For this recipe, it's ideal if you have a food processor, or a hand blender with a little pot attachment. If all else fails you could use a stick blender, a bowl and some unloved clothes, or even have a bit of a chopping and mashing frenzy with a knife and a fork.

Serves 2, with salad. Serves 1 generously without salad

1 avocado
wholemeal pasta
1 handful of basil leaves (use some sprinkles of dried basil if you don't have a plant)
glug of olive oil
salt & pepper
lemon juice (I used bottled lemon juice, from the baking section of the supermarket).

1. It's really easy. Boil the pasta!

2. Chop your avocado in half, remove the stone and squish the insides into your food processor/bowl. Scrape out any missed bits with a spoon. Add the basil leaves, a sploosh of lemon juice, a glug of olive oil and a teeny sprinkling of salt, and the pepper. You don't want to add too much lemon - the mixture shouldn't be drowning.

3. Whizz until creamy - if you're mashing and chopping, mash up the avocado, and chop the basil as small as you can before adding it.

4. You should now have a rather pleasant looking light green creamy sauce. Add to your pasta, and viola! Serve with a side salad for added healthy brownie points.

NB: Avocado can start to brown if it's left out in the air, which is why the lemon juice is so great. Not only does it add a lovely tang to the sauce, it also helps keep the avocado green too. Nothing like a murky brown sauce to put you off your lunch, that's for sure.

What's your favourite quick and easy pasta dish? Do you have any delicious non-tomato sauces for pasta?


  1. I've tried this and it's AWESOME!

  2. This was WONDERFUL. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks :) what great feedback! Glad you enjoyed
