Friday, 12 April 2013

mega hearty avocado open sandwich

This is more than a sandwich! This is a mega hearty avocado open sandwich!

I recently bought Vegan Sandwiches Saves the Day , as I was getting a bit sick of salad sandwiches. I take food to work everyday, and I love bread - but I was fast running out of ideas! This sandwich isn't based on any of the recipes, but sort of inspired by a few of them - it's definitely made me feel more creative!

I had this at the weekend, so had it on snazzier bread and made it open to eat on a plate. But you could easily adapt this for a proper lunchbox sandwich by having a little less filling and a bit more bread.

I have to admit, this is where my eyes took over my tummy a little bit. I made this for myself and the boyfriend, and neither of us could eat all three. I ate two, and had the last one later on because it was so yummy. Therefore I've changed the ingredient amounts, as serves 3 is just an awkward number!

Serves 1

2 thick slices of the yummiest bread you can find
1 avocado
1 spring onion (called scallions in the USA)
A sprinkle of lemon juice
Lettuce - any sort you like
1 Redwood's Chicken Style Burger (or use another burger of choice, or maybe big slices of mushrooms, or anything you fancy really!)

1. Pop your burger under the grill or in the oven as per their instructions.

2.. Cut the avocado in half, and scoop out the green flesh. Transfer to a bowl, and give it a bit of a mash with a fork. You don't want it to be smooth, but it needs to be sort of spreadable.

1.. Chop the spring onion into little bits and add it to the mashed avocado. Sprinkle in a little bit of lemon juice - this is just to add an exciting little tang and also to keep the avocado nice and green, as oxygen will after a while make the avocado go brown. Add some pepper too, and mix.

3. Chop some lettuce into thinnish strips. You can either add the lettuce onto the margarined bread first, or you can add it to the avocado mix, and not margarine the bread. Totally up to you. If using the lettuce first method, just smush the avocado mixture on top afterwards and spread it around, nice and thick!

4. Take your burger and cut it into thin strips. Use your sharpest knife so the breadcrumbs don't fall off your burger, as that would be a travesty. Lay the slices artfully across your bread.

5. Devour!

Do you have any interesting sandwich ideas? Let me know - I am always looking out for new ones!

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